As much as I would love to, in this short week I could never give you ALL the summer photo advice. Nor would you be able to pay full attention to it. BUT there is more to capturing summer and all the fun you will be having. And I still want to help. Which is why, I created this:

What is The Ultimate Summer Photography Guide?
Ever went out for a day out with your kids and the camera and then found yourself taking the same photo over and over again? Or being so wrapped up in the moment that you literally forget what other angles you could try or what to set your focus to or what kind of more creative photos you might want to take? The Ultimate Summer Photography Guide is like a trusty friend that will remind you what to photograph and more importantly, provide the info on HOW to capture it, even if you're a beginner.

It comes in TWO versions:
The FULL Ultimate Summer Photo Guide
Photography instructions for 20 key summer-time activities and unmissable photos to capture : from days at the seaside to splashing in your own paddling pool, from zooming around on bikes and scooters, to lazying about on a picnic, from catching the sunset to picking your own fruit. Each activity and photo variations explained in depth.
The Pocket Companion to the Summer Photo Guide
A 'light' version of the guide optimised for mobile viewing so that you can simply glance and get all the key prompts without zooming in and out and trying to read small print in the glaring sun.
It's a bit like having me in your pocket for the summer, helping you set up your photos and suggesting what to photograph

What's inside?
20 summery topics - activities you are likely to indulge in the summer!

Each topic in the guide follow the same tried and tested approach we introduced in a Summer Photo project last year. We know this approach works and we know it can really help you expand your photographic range, capture more varied photos and even serve as a prompt for those days when you don't really know what to do with your kids! We've used in it the last lesson as well when showing you how to photograph Bubbles and Chalking ( both of those are also included in the guide ).

An example of what you will see in the guide:
Photographing your kids on swings:
What to photograph and how:
We get you to think, from a planning standpoint, what kind of photos you may want to capture. Do you want to capture the height? Ot the speed? or the details of their little feet dangling? Or the joy on their face?
In big guide:

In pocket guide:

Positioning and angles:
This part helps you consider your positioning with regards to your subject and the kind of photos you may want to capture so that you get the results you desire. Half the recipe for a successful photo is knowing where to stand!
In big guide:

In pocket guide:

Light and Background
Absolutely crucial - knowing what light you're dealing with and how to adapt to it and how to use different light situations to get you scroll stopping, stunning images as well as troubleshooting poor light situations and advising you on how to adapt to those. Light often makes or breaks the images - we show you how to use it intentionally.
In big guide:

In pocket guide:

Camera and Lenses
Different photos require different practical approaches and that extends to both your camera modes and settings and lens choices. We know that not everyone shoots with a big camera so we include ways to make these work in auto modes and on mobiles ( where possible - certain effects can only be achieved in 'proper' cameras and with a level of technical understanding
In big guide:

In pocket guide:

This will make capturing your family in summer SO MUCH EASIER! Like following a recipe!
The Ultimate Guide will be released on the 1st of July - just in time to cover the whole of your summer! We are now making it available for pre-order so if you want to catch it with a discount, here is how to get it:
The Ultimate Summer Photo GUide and Pocket GUide
pre-order price:
- The Ultimate Summer Guide - £29.99
- The pocket Companion - £9.99
The Ultimate Summer Photo Guide, the pocket companion and Fundamentals Of PhotoGraphy for Parents Bundle
Book a place on our September Photography for Parents Fundamentals course ( with a Super Early Bird Discount) and get the guide and companion for free