Christmas photos that sparkle and shimmer and capture that little bit of magic? Yes please!
Join us to learn how to capture the magic of Christmas lights, the beauty of Christmas decorations and your family's traditions - like a pro!
Our 5 day Christmas Photography bootcamp
starts Monday 11th December!
Photo by Kerry Anderson
Fairy lights sparkle on the tree, your kids are behaving like angels (or near enough), and yet, the photos are at best ...meh. So how do we capture the magic?
Capturing great photos at Christmas can be tricky - for starters, the light is often poor and then those Christmas lights and decorations you lovingly selected and put up, can look lost in the image. So how do you capture photos like these???
Want to know the secret to photographing christmas like the pros and capturing the magic? let us help!
Introducing :
Christmas Photo Bootcamp
Christmas Photo Bootcamp is a 5 day mini course from Photography for Parents designed to help you capture your best Christmas photos ever
Starts Monday 11th Dec
We give you 5 practical, instantly actionable lessons with daily challenges - all non technical and jargon free, so that even if you're a complete beginner, you can still end the week with a load of fantastic images and plenty of ideas for when the big day comes. And it's FREE!
Here’s how this works:
At Photography for Parents, we KNOW that the only way to get better at photography is to dust off that camera and have a go. So we structured the course to make it as hands on as humanely possible with bite size lessons, daily achievable challenges and support from us on hand.
Here is what that means :
5 days
5 lessons
5 challenges
Every day for the duration of the bootcamp, we will give you a fresh lesson, focusing on a specific mini topic, chosen especially for how they relate to photographing Christmas and photographing children in general. Every day will come with its own mini challenge which will help you put your newly acquired knowledge to test straight away. Nothing too taxing - easily achievable for any busy parent.
lets connect - support Facebook group
Finding motivation by yourself is hard, and we also know, nothing gets the creative juices going quite like a lot of inspiration and friendly advice.
This is why, our bootcamps come with a pop-up support Facebook group - a place to share inspiration, ask questions, chat to us and more.
This is also where we will be putting the learning materials, chatting to you live and providing further guidance so you do have to be there to participate.
live feedback and advice
Speaking of advice and chatting - I will be coming to you live daily over the 5 days:
- highlighting the best photos of the day
- running Q&A sessions
- demonstrating techniques
- elaborating further on the materials provided.
Hey, I'm Ania!
If you join our Bootcamp you will be seeing a lot of me! I'm the founder of Photography for Parents, award winning photographer and photography educator. I'm also a Mum of 2 spirited girls and when I say spirited, I mean, not the kind that sits politely and poses. So I made it my mission to teach parents how to capture their children naturally, in their own environment, as they are, and who they are. This is what we teach in our courses and this is what we will be encouraging here.
Will you join me?
Want to see what previous bootcamp participants said?
Verity L.
I really enjoyed this Bootcamp and have tried my best to try out some of the techniques you have mentioned. I’m in awe of your generosity of knowledge in running them So excited for my fundamentals course in the NY. Merry Christmas.
Stacey H.
Thank you so much Ania for all the fun! Had such fun playing around with my camera and will keep snapping for Christmas photos over the next week!
Levi J.
This was an exceptional boot camp with so many techniques shared. You are so amazing to offer this to so many people and for free. If I learned this much with what you have already taught us, I can only imagine the skills learned with a full course. Thank you again!
What's in the course?
Well, everything you need to capture the best of Christmas and your family celebrations, that's what.
And specifically, we will be teaching you about:
Yes - we will be posting our materials inside the group so if you want those, you need to be there. Having run those courses for a while, we know that participation is key to succeeding - if we're all honest with ourselves, how many downloadable PDFs have we all got in our lives, only to file them neatly in some folder and never to go back to it again. That's not what this bootcamp is about - we want you using your camera, we want you taking photos and we want you to see how quickly you can improve. That's why we create an ecosystem that supports it best and the Facebook group is a vital part of it.
No, you don't. Your daily lesson will be released the evening before and from that point on, it will be accessible throughout the week ( and for a few days after). I will be speaking to you live in the FB group daily, and if you can catch me live - that's great! - but all the videos will be viewable later so you can always watch me on replay.
No, you don't. We make this course deliberately non-technical so that anyone can join. We know that every time we run a bootcamp, we get a real range of people who join - from complete beginners who only ever use their phones, to seasoned 'clickers'. Everyone gets something from the course - from learning the basics, picking up a few tips and tricks on how to make your photos better, see your kids in a new light to inspiration and prompts to just take photos you wouldn't have thought of before.
Nothing. Nada, Nic, Null, Zero. There is no hidden cost, no 'trials' - it's Free - simple as that. We are a Photography education company and we run full size paying courses that go a lot wider and deeper into the art and craft of photographing children, and while we do hope that having a taste of our courses might make you consider joining us, this mini course is really, truly free.
Come learn with us and capture your best ever Christmas photos!
5 days full of photos, all about your kids, all about Christmas - you don't want to miss it!
Just one more thing
December gets BUSY. I know, same here. Between festive events, kids nativities, seeing friends and family, last minute Christmas shopping, decorating the house etc it's hard to even catch your breath sometimes. But between that chaos are moments of absolute pure beauty, connection and love - the stuff that we come together to celebrate at Christmas. With our little bootcamp we aim to help you make time to capture them - whether you're as seasoned 'clicker' or new to the camera. And if we achieve that then I'm happy!