This summer, capture 


photos of your kids

Join our free photography bootcamp and learn how to photograph your family's summer adventures! 

Get yourself and your camera ready to capture your family this summer! 

Picture this: a summer full of fun, laughter and adventure and you there with your family, capturing all those beautiful memories on your camera. And if you're feeling unprepared - we've got you : 


Summer Photography Bootcamp  

AKA, how to photograph your kids this summer so you capture all the key moments and all the fun without fuss or overwhelm!

Summer photo bootcamp

At a glance

WHEN: Monday 5th June - Friday 10th June

WHAT : 5 daily lessons, each tackling a different aspect of capturing summer, with 5 challenges to get you ready

HOW MUCH : it's FREE! SO Nothing, nada, nic, gratis, zero to pay

You can learn this: 

How to take photos in summer light: 

No more squinty eyes, overexposed photos, or harsh shadows! Learn to recognise the light you have and adapt accordingly! 

Water play! and how to capture it well! 

Paddling pools, sprinklers, pools, seaside, rivers, lakes - there is no summer without some form of water play! But capturing it can be tricky AND dangerous for your camera. Until you see our tips that is...

How to capture the everyday

Summer is not all about that one week of holiday! It's also the afternoon ice-cream, playing with bubbles and trips to the park! 

Summer at the playground

It's all swings and roundabouts at time's but we're not complaining. Plenty of summer fun happens there too and some of those are trickier to capture than others! 

Summer out and about

Summer adventures don;t need to be far from home but they can still be memorable - we'll help you get ready to capture those too!

...and plenty more!

Ready to get started? 

Summer Photography Bootcamp starts on Monday 5th June.
It's online, it's beginner friendly and it's free!

Why do we call it a bootcamp?

The only way to learn photography is to do photography.

NOT watch other people do photography, NOT read about photography, NOT think about photography, NOT even dream about photography. 

It just doesn't work that way. 

You have to take photos - see what works and what ( inevitably ) doesn't. That's why all our courses - free or paid, always have a strong 'doing' focus, rather than just serving you pretty documents that will not ultimately get used.

So if you join this bootcamp, be prepared to take photos.

Here is what people said about our last bootcamp:

I absolutely enjoyed every lesson this week, love the way you have explained the techniques and have literally opened my eyes into seeing the way I take photos from the artists point of view. This course proves you can actually learn and improve your skills no matter the age/ experience/ subject. 

Roxi R.

I've learnt so much! Really intrigued and impressed, such basic things to notice and think about that'll drastically improve a photo! Really enjoyed this course (my first ever).

Loved it! It's been so useful and inspiring! Definitely makes you see things from a different angle and pose yourself differently when taking photos. Definitely encourages you to see the details. Thank you for the lovely lessons and feedback. 

Militsa N.

Hi, I'm Ania Wilk-Lawton

I'm the founder of Photography for Parents, an award winning photographer, a Mum to two spirited girls and most recently a fur-mum to two naughty kittens. I teach parents how to take overwhelm out of photographing children and help them get some stunning shots of their family. And if you join us for this bootcamp. I'll be the one helping you take better summer photos! 

Ania xxx

Join us and capture your best summer photos EVER

This is not our usual generic '5 tips for better photos'. You will be surprised at how much you can learn in 5 short days. This course is non technical, suitable for beginners and will get you clicking in no time.


What level of Photography knowledge will I need? 

This mini course is suitable for anyone from complete beginners and up. Because we know we have diverse audiences, we keep the technical side light and concentrate on the changes that can be made without digging deep into the camera know-how. 

do I need a camera?

Technically no, a lot ( but not all) of what we teach can be used on any camera - including your phone camera. If you do have a camera, I would recommend dusting it off and having a play with it as we go through the course. You will thank yourself for it! 

Do I need to be online at specific times? 

No. The materials for each lesson will be released the evening before the day so you can prepare. I will be doing little additional videos in the Facebook group where the majority of the action will be happening, but they can be watched at any time during the week. The main point of these courses is that you need to actually have a go and try things out and take some photos , so we try to make it as easy as possible and to fit around people's daily routines. 

is it really free?

YUP - it's free!! No catch, no trial, no nothing.

Who are you again? 

Hi! Nice to meet you! We're Photography for Parents - in a nutshell, we educate parents on how to use their cameras better and capture all the precious memories of their kids growing up. We have been doing this for over 10 years now, we have seen several thousands of parents improve their photography with us beyond what they thought was possible. If you're new to this, we'd recommend having a look at our flagship Photography  for Parents Fundamentals course which will give you all the key camera know-how, composition and light skills in a supportive, nurturing, instructor led setting. We have a course starting on the 19th June and if you finally want to learn how to master that camera - this is your cue! 

Summer Photography Bootcamp

starts Monday 5th June