August 30

Back-to-school photos – how to prepare and 10 different ways to capture the moment

 August 30

by Ania

Photo by Kate Biggin  


The evenings are growing cooler and the calendar reminds us that we're getting closer and closer to September and to start of school respectively. And for many parents that means one thing : BACK TO SCHOOL PHOTO!

And let's face it, it usually is 'that' doorway photo.

You know the one I'm talking about - in front of the front door, in their school uniform, giving you their best cheery smile, ready to march off to school. Which is all good and nice and you should absolutely capture it. I mean, I do.

BUT - if you want to really mark the occasion, there is so much more you can photograph to really mark and celebrate that special milestone!! Especially if this is your child's first year at school!

Here are my 5 best tips for how to prepare for your back to school photos:

1. Don't wait for the 1st day of school

If this is going to be your child's first year of school, they are likely to be a little anxious on the day. My best tip is to give them that morning - things are bound to be a little unsettled so give them time and space to adjust. By all means, capture a couple of photos, but if you're planning a bigger thing, do a dry run a day or so before, or wait for day 2 or 3 of school, when things settle down a bit to get those photos. 

2. Think about what parts of the routine you want to capture

Although you can use this guide to give you plenty of ideas of what to capture, your family and your school routine will be unique to you. Think about what you want to capture - what are the stand outs? specific routine parts? visual elements you'd like to capture? People involved? Make a little list to help you capture them all.

3. Think about the future

The thing about school is that once it starts, it just keeps going for years. The start of the year is an easy time to capture a milestone portrait that you can repeat year after year to see how your child is changing and growing. Find something that will remain the same or similar in size, or a familiar space to turn it into a series as your kids move through their school years. 

4. Get your kids involved

Ask your children what they would like to have photographed to mark the start of school? It could be their brand new backpack or their best friend or their mum! Ask them what they're excited about - especially if it's not their first year at school.

5. The Camera

This one goes without saying, but whether you're using your phone or your camera-camera, make sure it's charged and has plenty of memory space - you do not want to find this one out the hard way and miss the perfect moment! 

10 Back to school photos to take 

...instead of that one 'by the door' 

And when you're ready to take the photos, we have a bank of ideas for you - all together giving you plenty of ways to capture that precious time! 
Think of it as your personal inspiration bank - inside you will find 10 different takes on capturing this milestone - easy to try by yourself - whether you're shooting with a camera-camera or your phone camera.

For a limited time this guide is free to download! 

£7  FREE

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